Understanding the Spectrum of Autism

This series is designed to improve understanding of the medical, behavioral, social, sensory, and educational issues related to Autism Spectrum Disorders. An emphasis will be placed on practical intervention techniques. Presenters are local and national experts in their field of autism.

Virtual Seminar Series on Zoom from 5 – 6 pm on Wednesday evenings:
May 12, 2021
Transition to Adulthood

Beth Thompson, MSSA, LSW
Program Director, Milestones Autism Resources

How: Registration is required. A reminder email will be sent one hour prior to each webinar with a link and dial-in options for joining.

RSVP at https://uhhospitals.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vlj8BDWDT_-pVv6gDS-4ag

Due to the pandemic, this series is being offered online. There is no fee for the series.

Sponsored by ASPIES Greater Akron, Inc.

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