What’s Your (School Choice) Story?

What’s Your (School Choice) Story?

Sharing stories of educational choice is key to understanding its importance for Ohio families.  While the issue of educational choice may be debated, the experience and success of students who were given a choice are powerful. Kristen Ostrosky and her children, Anthony (19) and Sara (16) have experienced what school choice can do for a…

Rhetoric vs. Reality – Where is the Truth About Educational Choice?

Rhetoric vs. Reality – Where is the Truth About Educational Choice?

By Rabbi Eric ‘Yitz’ Frank Debate over educational choice continues in Ohio and around the country, but misconceptions and even misinformation are clouding the discussion.  While everyone will have their own opinion, any conclusion should be based in reality.  Those who oppose school choice in our state have made repeated statements that do not reflect…

Is Ohio’s Proposed Budget Legislation on the Right Track for Education?

Is Ohio’s Proposed Budget Legislation on the Right Track for Education?

On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman held a press conference to detail the Senate version of the state’s biennial budget.  As budget legislation moves closer toward the final version and ultimately the Governor signing it into law, it is important to note that Ohio stands on the edge of passing the…

Fixing Ohio’s Charter School Funding Gap

by Aaron Churchill, The Fordham Institute Charter School Funding Inequity Ohio unfairly shortchanges students who attend public charter schools. On average, students attending a brick-and-mortar charter school receive just 70 cents on the dollar – or 30 percent less funding – than students who attend traditional district schools. The funding gap hurts charter schools and…

It’s About the Kids!

It’s About the Kids!

School Choice is in the spotlight, not only in Ohio but across the United States. We have an opportunity to advocate for expanded school choice for Ohio families. The public, including our elected officials, need to hear how educational choice has made a difference in the lives of students. Your story matters. By sharing your…

Conoce tus Opciones Escolares assists Hispanic families in their search for their child’s ideal school

Conoce tus Opciones Escolares assists Hispanic families in their search for their child’s ideal school

National School Choice Week Awareness Foundation es una organización sin fines de lucro que, por medio de National School Choice Week, se ha posicionado como líder nacional sirviendo a más de un millón de familias al año. Sin embargo, cada vez era más evidente la necesidad de recursos específicos para las familias hispanas en español….

New Buckeye Institute Report Offers #StudentsFirst Reforms to Help Regain Lost Learning

New Buckeye Institute Report Offers #StudentsFirst Reforms to Help Regain Lost Learning

In a new policy report, #StudentsFirst: Empowering Parents to Help Students Regain Lost Learning, Buckeye’s Greg Lawson outlines how empowering parents, funding students first, and enhancing school choice can counteract the ill effects the pandemic had on learning loss for Ohio’s K-12 students. The report offers four commonsense policy solutions that will improve the K-12…


Advocacy Toolkit

Do you believe that parents know their children best? Do you believe that Ohio families should be able to select the educational option that works best for their children? Would you like to see Ohio expand educational options for Ohio families? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you’re ready to become…