New Buckeye Institute Report Offers #StudentsFirst Reforms to Help Regain Lost Learning
In a new policy report, #StudentsFirst: Empowering Parents to Help Students Regain Lost Learning, Buckeye’s Greg Lawson outlines how empowering parents, funding students first, and enhancing school choice can counteract the ill effects the pandemic had on learning loss for Ohio’s K-12 students. The report offers four commonsense policy solutions that will improve the K-12…
A Fine Line
How Most American Kids Are Kept Out of the Best Public Schools Historically, children have been assigned to public schools based on their home address. For some students, this works out fine. But for many others, geographic assignment locks them into schools that don’t meet their needs. What can be done to break the link…
Trazando el curso de la Vida
Trazando el curso de la Vida Fecha: 17 de Mayo, 2021 Hora: 5:00 – 7:00 pm A lo largo de nuestras vidas, nos enfrentamos a preguntas y buscamos respuestas que nos ayudarán en nuestro camino hacia una vida plena y significativa. Esto es válido para todos, en particular si usted o alguien cercano a usted…
Understanding the Spectrum of Autism
This series is designed to improve understanding of the medical, behavioral, social, sensory, and educational issues related to Autism Spectrum Disorders. An emphasis will be placed on practical intervention techniques. Presenters are local and national experts in their field of autism. Virtual Seminar Series on Zoom from 5 – 6 pm on Wednesday evenings: SESSION…