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Every child deserves a champion — an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.


School Choice Ohio closes the information gap so that parents can help close the achievement gap.

Donations to School Choice Ohio keep outreach and advocacy services free for families and help us reach more families who haven’t heard about their options. The information we share empowers those parents to find the right opportunity for their child. And we know that when children can find the right educational environment for them, it changes lives.

Parents choose, kids win.

Since 2005, School Choice Ohio has been reaching out to Ohio families by mail, phone, email, social media, and community events to inform them about the education options that are available for their children. We serve as a resource for Ohio families, community organizations, schools, community members, elected officials, and media.

Giving parents real power and real information about the thing that matters most to them – the education of their children – is the only way to drive sustained, continuous improvement in Ohio’s education system.

School Choice Ohio is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that relies 100% on private contributions and does not receive any government funds.


Now Ohioans can receive a 100% tax CREDIT for up to $750 for individuals ($1500 for married, filing jointly) when they make a cash donation to the Ohio Scholarship Fund DBA Every Child Every Family Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO). Funds go directly to the school(s) you designate to be used for student scholarships and tuition assistance. To donate to the School Choice Ohio SGO visit

This is a great opportunity to designate your tax dollars to be used toward tuition assistance for families who wish to access better educational opportunities for their students.