Open House – East Dayton Christian School

East Dayton Christian School 999 Spinning Road, Dayton, Ohio

Interdenominational Christian School offering preschool, childcare, Grades K-12. 1/2 mile from the properties at Wright Field. EDCS strives to offer parents a choice and students a chance equipping them for leadership and service. Educating students in the Miami Valley since 1978.

Ohio Homeschooling Convention

Duke Energy Convention Center 525 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio

A great event with information and resources for Ohio parents.  Be sure to stop by the School Choice Ohio booth and meet our team!

2023 Cleveland School Fair

Cleveland Public Library - Louis Stokes Wing 2nd Floor 525 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio

Join us to learn about all of the great school options, resources, and scholarships for Cleveland students!  A fun event for the whole family with a DJ, Photo Booth, Face Painting, and prize raffles! FREE parking for all pre-registered guests.   Follow the event website link to register.

2023 Teacher Appreciation Week

We love and appreciate our teachers!  Be sure to thank them for everything they do for our kids...all year long!