Ohio’s Educational Options are Better than Ever!
The passage of HB33 (Ohio’s biennial budget) has expanded and improved the educational options for students, making Ohio a national leader in educational choice. Ohio families now have true choice when it comes to their student’s education and these changes are just in time for the 2023-24 school year!
Key points in the biennial budget for education include:
- Universal school choice eligibility for every Ohio student.
- Scholarship awards are based on the student household’s adjusted gross income (line 11 on Federal tax return). Students whose family’s income is at or below 450% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), or about $135,000 for a family of four, will be eligible to receive the full scholarship amount of $6,165 (K-8th) and $8,407 (9th-12th). Students whose family’s income is above 450% FPL will be eligible for a decreased scholarship amount. see income chart below
- Students whose household adjusted gross income is at or below 200% FPL will continue to qualify for a low income write off of the balance between the participating school’s tuition and the scholarship amount (if applicable).
- Continues to phase-in the school funding formula for traditional school districts with increased funding.
- Funds all education options independently.
- Helps to bridge the charter (community) school funding gap by increasing per pupil funding for high-quality charter schools.
- Increases funding for community (charter) & STEM schools by creating a new charter equity supplement for all brick-and-mortar charters as well as facilities funding.
- Increases in Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship category amounts.
- Expanded Autism Scholarship eligibility to include any student (ages 3-21) with an Autism diagnosis.
- Includes online community (charter) schools for English learner funding and makes permanent the funding for online dropout prevention and recovery schools.
2023-24 Universal School Choice Income Chart

2023-24 Scholarship Amounts

Have questions? Need assistance? We are here to help! Contact the team at School Choice Ohio at 614-223-1555 or visit www.SCOhio.org for more information.
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