Districts Suing to Takeaway School Choice

A number of parents have asked us if their district is spending their tax dollars to sue the state to take away school choice. Until now we did not have an answer to that question. School Choice Ohio made a public records request and received the list of districts that were members of the Equity and Adequacy Coalition for the 2019-2020 school year.  The list of district members is available here: https://scohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/List-of-E-and-A-Districts-June-2020.pdf

You may notice that many of these districts do not have students using EdChoice, but do participate in open enrollment.

The Coalition is crisscrossing the state working to recruit new members. We’ll update the list periodically so you can see if your district is using your money to take away school choice.


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